
Unknown Grass in my Lawn #560808

Asked May 13, 2019, 10:44 AM EDT

I have a grass growing up in my lawn that I have been unable to remove either by pulling the grass or using 3 different treatments.  I have treated it with Bayer Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer, Spectracide Weed Stop for lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer, and Drive XLR8 with Methylated Seed Oil.  None of these treatments have had any effect on the grass.  I now suspect it is not Crabgrass.  Can you identify the grass and recommend a treatment to remove it from my lawn?

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response


This is bromegrass, and unfortunately, none of the products you used will work to selectively remove a perennial weedy grass from the lawn. Note: this is a grass that comes back year-after-year from the's not an annual like crabgrass.

There's a few ways to address it:

1. Learn to live with it. It does grow faster than your Kentucky bluegrass, but with frequent mowing, it's not as noticeable.

2. Try to dig it out, going 3-4" beyond the clump. Then patch the area with inconspicuous sod chunks from other parts of the yard.

3. Spray it out with glyphosate (Roundup/Kleenup). This will be the most effective option, since you will fully kill it. Digging may leave behind rhizomes, which can regrow. However, it will take 2-3 applications of product, 10-14 days apart, to fully kill it off. Then patch the dead areas with chunks of sod from your lawn.

You can also try to kill it by wiping the leaf blades with a paper towel or sponge soaked in glyphosate (wear gloves). Wait at least two days after mowing and two days before mowing to do this. Again, repeat multiple times.
Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied May 13, 2019, 1:44 PM EDT

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