
Black mold (?) in my grass #557527

Asked May 01, 2019, 5:23 PM EDT

We have a lot of black horn shaped growth that looks like mold. I am concerned that if our dog starts to dig and eat it, it could make her ill. Can you please tell me what this is and if it is harmful. And how we can get rid of it. I just planted grass mats last Sprint at our new home, Thank you so much! Laurie Jorgensen

Mille Lacs County Minnesota

Expert Response

I'm afraid that I cannot identify this.  However it does look like some type of fungal growth.  I wonder it there is a tree stump underlying the soil in this area.  I would suggest that you simply dig this mold (?) up and remove it.  Having been a dog owner for many years, I am impressed by their ability to distinguish between what is good and what is not.  As you dig this up, snoop around a bit and see if you can find the source of the growth.

Good Luck!!  
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 10, 2019, 6:45 PM EDT

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