
/what kind of bug? #551609

Asked April 07, 2019, 4:49 PM EDT

Hi Experts, Im a Maryland Master gardener. I have a relative in Stanford VA, built a fence for a veg. garden. Came out one morning and found these bugs on her fence. What are they? Will they harm the fence and her veggies? What can she Do about them? Thanks Colleen Ward

Stafford County Virginia

Expert Response

That's some kind of scarab beetle. The larvae are white grubs and often feed on plant roots. Some species, such as Japanese beetles and Oriental beetles, are pests while others, like May and June beetles or dung beetles, are not. The group is large (1400 species in 125 genera in North America) and unfortunately I can't tell which species this is based on the photos.
Michael Skvarla, Ph.D. Replied April 08, 2019, 10:27 AM EDT

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