
Dying cypress trees #550293

Asked April 01, 2019, 12:32 PM EDT

We have a number of older, dying cypress trees on our property.  Some are turning brown.  Can they be saved?  Some images appear below.  This blighted appearance appears to be quite sudden.  We are losing trees within the last year or two.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

You are not alone.
We are hearing a lot of this and it is happening in our own yards as well.

For many years Leyland cypress was heavily planted for screening. We are finding that they do a good job for the first 15 to 20 years or so, but then quickly decline.
There may be more than one reason, (drought stress, winterburn damage, disease, pests) but the results are the same. They are actually better suited to cooler climates.
Here is a recent page from our website on the problem:

There is nothing that we recommend that you do at this point. They will continue to decline and eventually die.


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