
Tiny black flies #540778

Asked January 10, 2019, 12:26 PM EST

We had an issue with phorid flies last June.. since we had the plumbing done we haven't had any issues. A few weeks ago I noticed small black flies, the phorid fly we had were brownish in color and you could clearly see the hump. These little things (in my opinion) don't look similar at all. Can anyone please help. Thanks

Bucks County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

If these are biting you they could possibly be black flies:

These tend to breed near moving water such as streams, but look to overwinter in sheltered areas.  Products that kill flying insects will control these.

Thanks, G.

Dr. Gregory Martin, Extension Educator - Poultry Replied January 10, 2019, 2:02 PM EST
No bites at all. They hang around the sliding door during the day and at night are not really anywhere in sight (occasionally you will see one but that's it). They don't have the classic hump from what I can see as the phorid fly and they are small. They aren't fruit flies either. I'm at a loss. 
The Question Asker Replied January 10, 2019, 5:00 PM EST
You may want to bring in samples to your local county extension office for a closer examination. Master Gardeners may be able to id the insect. Other flies seen with plumbing are vinegar flies and fungus gnats. These are attracted to vent smells and recycling bins, and potting soils. Be sure to rinse all wine and beer bottles / fermented foods as these will draw flies to the home. A vinegar trap can be used to test for this by making a cone trap from a water bottle above a small amount of cider vinegar and drop of dish soap. See:

Thanks, G.

Dr. Gregory Martin, Extension Educator - Poultry Replied January 14, 2019, 11:04 AM EST

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