
Buckthorn #506018

Asked November 27, 2018, 3:08 PM EST

How can I control or eradicate this invasive brush type tree on my ten acres in livingston county. About half of my property has mature these mature shrubs . I have pulled out about 40 in one spot with a ford 3000 tractor and regraded the area, but this dose not work well in the forested area with mature trees and is expensive and time consuming. I found a source in Minn. that purports to sell plastic bags designed to kill stumps but can find no verification if this bag system works. Has anyone heard if this works? Is ther an effective spray ? Any information you can provide will be appreciated as this is a rapidly growing problem in our area.  Edward Burger<personal data hidden>

Livingston County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello Edward,

Managing buckhorn is a perennial project. Persistence is key as plants from seeds will be a continual issue, dropped by birds and other wildlife. There are several methods used to manage buckthorn depending on location, stage of growth, and time of year. Below, I am giving you extension articles that describe management options. 

The baggie technique is used on cut stumps and is relatively new. Non-chemical control options for cut stumps include covering the cut stump with a tin can or durable black plastic (such as a "Buckthorn Baggie") to prevent re-sprouting. After cutting the tree, apply the can or plastic over the cut stump and root flare.  Use nails to affix the can or a tie to affix the black plastic. Leave in place for one to two years.

If you have more questions, please write again. Thank you and good luck with your project.

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