
Possibly deer ate the center #492830

Asked October 30, 2018, 10:09 AM EDT

I planted 15 leyland cypress trees across the front of my property two years ago. At the time of planting the trees were about three feet tall. Last year I found three of my tree centers were all bald and stripped looking. My dad said it was from deer eating the needles off. I did cut the centers out of the trees at the beginning of spring this year. The rest of trees are continuing to grow but no new center has emerged. Am I fighting the inevitable? Will the center ever come back or should I replace these trees?

Columbia County Georgia

Expert Response

No, in general trees and ornamentals with needle-like leaves will not re-grow new branches. I recommend you re-plant those trees, but Leyland Cypress are fast growers.

Also, your question was inadvertently sent to Athens-Clarke County. Your local Columbia County Extension Office may be able to help you further. Here is a link to their website.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 30, 2018, 10:42 AM EDT

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