
Barberry question #491670

Asked October 24, 2018, 1:11 PM EDT

We are undertaking a landscapping project at our home fixing a multitude of issues. In trying to determine what plants to use I have become confused. I was reading past blog posts from the Renegade Gardener and in passing he mentioned dropping Barberry from his list of preferred plants because it has been determined to be invasive. But when I went to Gerten's I found it was being sold. I asked them how they can sell it if it is on the invasive species list. They didn't have an answer. I have since found it at multiple locations. Can you please clarify this for me? It had been on my plant list.

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thanks for the question regarding Barberry; it is very timely. What you are experiencing is hardly unique. It is true that Barberry is now considered an invasive plant in Minnesota. However, this designation only applies to specific varieties of Barberry. See the following:

I suspect that the variety of Bayberry at Gerten’s was NOT on the list of prohibited varieties.

So far as we know, barberry varieties not prohibited will be allowed for sale in 2018 and extending into 2019.  Adjustments to the prohibited list may be made when more information about their potential to spread is available. The following article describes this challenging process:

Good Luck!!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 24, 2018, 11:34 PM EDT

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