
dormant seeding, post-emergent weed killer, pre-emergent for crabgrass #491539

Asked October 23, 2018, 2:11 PM EDT

1) I have dormant seeded in the past and plan to do so again this fall. I will aerate, fertilize, then dormant seed in November. I know I should apply weed killer for dandelions and violets and creeping charlie (%$#*) first. I use triclopyr (Ortho Chickweed, Oxalys killer) for violets and have fought them for years, as my adjacent neighbors do no weed control. Mecorprop-p, 24-D, Dicamba (Ortho Weed B Gone) is what I usually use for dandelions. Is triclopyr also a good choice for dandelion and creeping charlie? Or should I (can I) mix the two in my sprayer? 2) How much time should I allow after the post-emergent before dormant seeding? 3) I have found that dormant seeding (I am trying to thicken lawn, fill bare spots, and add more sustainable grass types) prevents me from putting down pre-emergent for crabgrass in the spring. I assume it will prevent some of the dormant seed from germinating. Do you have any ideas on how to work around this issue? Thank You -

Anoka County Minnesota

Expert Response

1) Triclopyr is one of the recommended herbicides for Creeping Charlie here is a good reference:
Triclopyr will also work on Dandelions. Here is a good reference for weed control in general:
There should be no need to mix the sprays. I recommend you spot spray the weeds and not do any broadcast spraying to avoid any drift.

2) You should allow two weeks between the spraying the herbicide and dormant seeding.

3) Pre-emergent herbicides will kill the seeds from the dormant seeding. You will need to treat the weeds that come up with a post emergent herbicide, but only after the new grass plants have established themselves.

Paul W. U of M Extension Master Gardener Dakota County Replied October 26, 2018, 4:19 PM EDT

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