
My Grapefruit Tree #488987

Asked October 07, 2018, 1:18 PM EDT

In 1997 I planted a Marsh Grapefruit Tree in my back yard. I live in the 89120 area (Paradise) of Las Vegas. For at least the last 10 years this tree has produced between 100 and 125 grapefruits that are ready to pick in December of each year. After I get the fruit off I usually fertilize the tree with 4 citrus spikes set in the ground near the "drip line" of the tree.
This year the tree hasn't looked good since the spring. The grapefruits are smaller than usual and now they are rotting and falling off the tree before they change from green to yellow. Also, the leaves are / have fallen off the branches to the point that the tree appears "bare" in many spots. I think my Grapefruit tree is dying. I want to help it thrive again. Can an expert come look at my tree and provide me with advice to get it back to life? I really need help or I think the tree is done for. Thank You., William F Hoover

Clark County Nevada

Expert Response

Hello, we received your email this morning. There are a number of factors that could be the culprit, from salt buildup in the soil to a fungus.  It could also be that the tree is nearing the end of its life span.  I am including a link from UC California about citrus management that you may find helpful.  

We do not make specific recommendations for arborists, however it is quite easy to find one.  From your computer search engine, type in "Trees Are Good".  You will find a link to ISA, the International Society of Arborists.  They have a search function where you can type in your zip code and a list of certified arborists will appear.  You can call several and ask what they charge for a consult.  The UNCE master gardeners do not make house calls.  Best of luck.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 10, 2018, 2:41 PM EDT
Lv M.

Thank you for all the help. The information you suggest will help me a lot.

My Regards,
Bill Hoover
Las Vegas 89120
<personal data hidden>

The Question Asker Replied October 10, 2018, 3:13 PM EDT

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