
Little black/red flying bugs #488945

Asked October 07, 2018, 6:45 AM EDT

We keep finding these bugs mainly in one room on our walls and clothes. I have also seen them in living room (we have vaulted ceilings & they hang out there too. Sometimes,  like in this picture they have spots of faint white, but also some are reddish black color. I keep killing them & they keep coming back. We also had pest control spray and they continued to pop up. They also fly. I can't find the source of where they are coming from & it's driving me crazy! We just moved and not sure if they came from storage. Could they be hiding in cracks of floorboards or my daughter's metal bed frame?

Seminole County Florida

Expert Response

Hello -

It is difficult to see details of the insect on the images you provided. The shape, however, suggests that it might be a beetle. Could you please check this link on carpet beetles to determine if this is the insect you have?
If not, could you try to send a picture that has more detail?
Thank you,
Beth Schecklehoff Replied October 08, 2018, 9:18 AM EDT
Here are some more pictures.  They are so small I have zoom in with my camera.  I looked at the link & I definitely don't see all those colors and patterns on them, but the body shape is the same.
The Question Asker Replied October 08, 2018, 8:08 PM EDT
I would suggest you take one or more of the insects in a sealed container or plastic baggie to the local extension office for identification. They will be better equiped to identify the insect in person than from a blurry image. Here is the link to their website with contact and location information:

Beth Schecklehoff Replied October 09, 2018, 10:14 AM EDT

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