
Using 24 hour grub killer with dylox and dogs #487872

Asked October 01, 2018, 10:37 AM EDT

I am battling horrible lawn grubs here .I used 24 hour grub killer with dylox in front but in back tried nematodes. Not only in the back are the grubs alive and well we have more then 10 in many spots. I have considered treating with chemicals in back yard but two dogs reside there one whom digs up and eats grubs and the other that eats dirt. If I block off small treatment areas how long until they could go back on and possibly eat dirt and whatever else they enjoy doing? Or do we just give the nematodes more time . It has been about 2 weeks

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

There are many factors to be considered in making an informed decision.  If applied properly the nematodes should be active at soil temperatures over 50°F.  Nematodes may not be as effective as some of the pesticides but if they are happy they will help in the long term. Their impact may take some time to be visible. Looking at the toxicity of the Dylox, half life( up to 27 days in organic soils), and the propensity of your dogs to dig and eat dirt is somewhat worrisome and should indicate more caution than the label would suggest.  Keeping them  out of the treated area where they would not ingest or inhale the product makes sense but putting a number reentry really isn't possible .  Keep in mind that control with Dylox can be as low as 30% in October as temperatures decrease.  Colder soil will push the grubs deeper for overwintering.  Most grub feeding is in the fall.  A preventative product may be a better choice but to be effective it must be applied in July to so it will work in grubs hatch in August but it has the similar issues.  Waiting to see whether the nematodes are effective may be a good strategy and give you a chance to review other options. Check out the following links for additional information:

I hope this helps,
An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 01, 2018, 8:50 PM EDT

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