
Holes in the seed pod #487365

Asked September 27, 2018, 4:45 PM EDT

Hello, my hollyhock seeds have obviously had an infestation and I’m wondering if the seeds with a small hole are worth saving. We just bought this a new house and the garden was uncared for during the sale and transition. 

Spokane County Washington

Expert Response

Hello and thank you for contacting us,

It appears that your hollyhock may have been attacked by hollyhock weevil, a type of beetle with long snout, that feeds on these plants. Female weevils will chew holes in the seed pods and they lay eggs in them. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the seeds, which makes them useless to us. I've attached a link to a fact sheet on this pest:

I can't say that all the seeds are ruined, but likely a large number of them are.  Any that have holes in the actual seed can be discarded. I'm sorry to see this, but hopefully there are some flowers (or seeds) that were unaffected.

Good luck with your garden, and congratulations on your new house! 

Thank you again for contacting us! Replied September 28, 2018, 11:38 AM EDT

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