
Brown spots spreading on my epy’s Leaves? #486063

Asked September 20, 2018, 1:48 PM EDT

Hello, I inherited a large 10 year old Night Queen 3 years ago and have grown plants from the cuttings however they have developed brown spots on the leaves and around the edges on some of the leaves. I have followed the advice on watering, light, soil etc. Also tried putting cinnamon on the affected leaves but to no avail. Should I be cutting off the affected leaves or just leave them alone? The plant is very healthy apart from the little brown spots.

Los Angeles County California

Expert Response

Thank you for your question. I have found several Extension and non-Extension references to spots on these plants' leaves, and they agree that:

"Epiphyllum oxypetalum is susceptible to fungal leaf spot or black rot disease. The presence of black or brown spots on the leaves is often indicative of fungal leaf spot. "

Unfortunately, the exact pathogen cannot be identified without a closer examination, which may be possible in your county Extension office. I suggest you call them to see what other information they would need, other than the photos, to provide exact diagnosis and treatment assistance. They may need you to bring in a leaf to examine under a microscope. Here is their contact information:

Good luck!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 20, 2018, 2:50 PM EDT

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