
Please ID this spider - she's living on my front room window (outside)! #484256

Asked September 11, 2018, 4:08 PM EDT

I'm trying to identify this spider.  She's built a web on the outside of my front living room window.  She's worked VERY hard on this and often takes naps in between "building/working!" 
This morning I discovered "numerous" (10-12?) eggs (white/smooth) down below in the window well to my basement. 

Just want to make sure she/they "aren't poisonous!!!"  Does anyone want to come get them?!!! I'd gladly have them move somewhere else!  I just don't want to kill them if not needed!!!

Please advise asap, many thanks!
Jaci Hjelmgren

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

This is a cat-faced spider, which become conspicuous this time of year as they become fully grown. See for details and for information on a variety of common Colorado spiders.

Frank Peairs, Emeritus Professor of Entomology Replied September 11, 2018, 6:17 PM EDT

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