
Lawn Spots #481904

Asked August 30, 2018, 2:29 PM EDT

Hi. Pls see the pictures I attached. My lawn has looked like this the last few years. I’m in northern Michigan so the lawn gets started slowly and doesn’t look too bad early on but then the patches start and just grow and grow. We have a sprinkler system and water every morning. We have healthy lawn on the side and back of our house. Last year we had Tru Green fertilize and that didn’t help at all. I’ve also tried scratching up the soil, putting down more top soil and then seeding and that doesn’t help. These pictures were taken from my deck to give you a top view. I can send up close ups if needed. I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Thank you very much!

Otsego County Michigan

Expert Response

The dying circles seemed to correlate to the area with the trees. Have trees been removed from this site in the last few years. It looks like soil was moved in to create this terrace which can burying roots of existing trees too deep for the needed oxygen. Either way this type of dying pattern suggests a fungus that is growing on decaying organic matter, likely dead and dying roots. It cannot be controlled with fungicides since it is working on organic matter below ground. This is called a fairy ring. There are different types of fungi that create fairy rings. Some create a darker green turf and some like the ones in the picture, cause browning. The browning is caused by the release of compounds by the fung that reduce the soils ability to absorb water, making the rings an area where grass is under drought conditions. One method recommended is to aerate this area to allow better air circulations, and to break up this soil that water holding capacity is inhibited by the fungi. Hopefully allowing water that you are putting down to be available for the grass. See the following article from a University of Wisconsin Plant Pathologist:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 03, 2018, 10:44 AM EDT
Hi Robert, yes there were a few trees removed in this area but it was over 8 years ago and the dying grass problem started about 2 years ago. Is it normal to have that type of gap before the onset of the problem. Also, I’ve had trees in other areas of my property removed and I don’t have dead grass in those areas.

I’m also surprised its reacting as if it’s under drought conditions when I water every day for 20 minutes.

So aeration is the only thing that could help at this time?

I appreciate your assistance, but it sounds like I’m not going to fix this soon, correct?

The Question Asker Replied September 06, 2018, 3:56 PM EDT
It is fungi breaking down organic matter that is causing this browning and it does take years for roots to decay under ground and could also be from dying roots on existing trees. This type of fungus that causes the fairy ring does cause the area infected to act like it is under drought stress and inhibits the grasses ability to absorb water. You will have to work on the conditions that are promoting the fungi that is damaging the grass. North Carolina Extension publication provides more information on the Type 1 fairy ring fungi and how to use aeration to reduce the impact of the fungi. 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 06, 2018, 4:40 PM EDT

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