
Just planted 2 young apple trees bought from local garden center, #481513

Asked August 28, 2018, 7:53 PM EDT

They are about 10 foot tall, 4/5 inch in diameter, one is Fuji, another is Gala, but I don't know how old are they?
What should I do to them except watering. Read some books and watched some videos, but I'm only more confused. Some say you should prune immediately after planting, some say you should not do anything in the fall; some say open center, some say central leader; it's the end of August now, should I prune or not?
and if I should, How?
They looks too thin too tall, looks like a strong wind could damage them, should I stake or should I cut 1/2 of them off?
Thank you very much!

Lehigh County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

Prune the apples trees in late winter (March) to a modified central leader system.
Below is a link to a fact sheet describing how to prune; however, it can be confusing. It is helpful to watch an expert prune so enrolling in a workshop would be very helpful.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 01, 2018, 8:24 AM EDT
Thank you very much! For some reason I just missed this response until now, sorry.
The Question Asker Replied September 09, 2018, 8:00 PM EDT
You're welcome
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 10, 2018, 11:39 AM EDT

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