
Rabbit brush infected with something? #480172

Asked August 22, 2018, 2:48 PM EDT

I have a small rabbitbrush plant about three years old that has done well until this year. This year many of the clusters of flowers have sections where the yellow flowers have died almost as soon as they bloomed; they are brown and dried out. What is wrong with the plant, and what should I do? I’ve attached pictures below. Thanks, Sally

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Sally,

Those brown tufts are actually the seed heads of the rabbitbrush. It doesn't look like your plant is having an issue based on the pictures you have sent.  This plant is very drought tolerant so I can't imagine it is having water issues. Please see the document at this link:  I hope this helps ease your mind.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 22, 2018, 6:07 PM EDT

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