
English Walnut Fungus? #479148

Asked August 18, 2018, 1:43 PM EDT

I have a 50' tall, 40 year old English Walnut. It is dropping its leaves even earlier than usual. I've included photos of the leaves. Is this the fungus that attacks walnuts. It is affecting the first 20 feet of the tree. I have sprayed it with Malathion, but don't believe it did much. Suggestions?

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

We did not receive your photos of the leaves. If you want to try again to attach them, we would be happy to take a look. Walnuts do typically drop their leaves early. There are a number of leaf spot diseases of walnut trees and they contribute to early defoliation. By this time in the season, trees have stored enough food reserves for the dormant season and they can tolerate the defoliation.

Malathion is an insecticide. It will not do anything to treat a fungus.

Hope the photos come through this time.
The Question Asker Replied August 20, 2018, 3:49 PM EDT
There are fungal leaf spots on the foliage, but this symptom is quite common in walnuts. We have seen more fungal problems this year, and earlier defoliation, as a result of the very wet weather this season. There is no practical treatment for it. By this time in the season, trees have stored enough food reserves for the dormant season and they can tolerate the defoliation.


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