
Honeycrisp Apple Tree #478678

Asked August 16, 2018, 2:15 PM EDT

Can you detect what is wrong with our Honeycrisp apple tree? We thought apple magots but the spray (containing Cabaryl) that was suggested doesn't seem to help. We also have Fireside and Harrelson, but they do not see to be affected. The leaves and apples are deformed. Pictures attached. Thank you!

Wright County Minnesota

Expert Response

Your fruit has Apple Maggots. If you are using pesticides timing is essential to stop the flies from laying their eggs in the apples. Bagging apples prior to the flies appearing can be a successful method you can try next year. This season make sure to pick up all debris from the tree. Below is a link to information about Apple Maggots.
Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied August 18, 2018, 9:30 PM EDT

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