
tomatoes foliage dyig #477582

Asked August 12, 2018, 2:03 PM EDT

Every year my tomatoes have flourished. Suddenly this year, after producing flowers and tomatoes for a while, the foliage is turning brown and dying from the bottom up. They are watered every day but do not stand in water i.e. they do not seem to be over-watered. There are no visible insects. Pics are attached. What might be happening?

Denver County Colorado

Expert Response

We suspect that your tomato is suffering from a fungal disease called Early Blight. It usually affects lower leaves first and moves up. Pick off the diseased leaves but be careful not to scatter the fungal spores to uninfected leaves. Also take care to not splash water on the leaves when you are watering and plant (next year) so that they have good air circulation. Here's some more information:

Colorado Master Gardener, Denver County Replied August 16, 2018, 5:00 PM EDT

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