
Poison Sumac? #475899

Asked August 05, 2018, 8:12 AM EDT

This plant continues to grow in my bushes. Is it poison sumac? It has a smell to it and I can't seem to find anything about a smell when I research it. The pictures were taken after I cut them. Thanks!

Franklin County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

No, that is tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus altissima. Another common name is stinking ash.
It is a very common weedy tree species. I imagine there is a female tree in your neighborhood that is producing a lot of seeds. They are blown in the wind and frequently germinate wherever they land.
Poison sumac is restricted to wetland areas and bogs, and is relatively uncommon.
Best regards,

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 06, 2018, 1:18 PM EDT

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