
Pruning Lilac Tree #474021

Asked July 28, 2018, 1:19 PM EDT

I have a Lilac tree that blooms in the spring but has a smaller bloom now (July 28). Can I prune it after this July bloom is over or do I need to wait until the spring bloom is done to prune? What are the consequences if I prune it now? Will it still bloom in the Spring? It needs to be pruned as you can see from the attached picture. Thanks, Tom Shoreview, MN

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Prune it this season immediately after it stops blooming. Lilacs bloom on that is called "old wood" This means that 2019 blooms will occur on 2018 branches. If you prune in 2019 you will be removing these 2018 branches and you will get no 2019 flowers. So do your pruning now. Prune for shape and remove any branches that are obviously dead. You could remove some old, living branches by cutting them back to about 6 inches above ground. However do this for only a few branches. Here is a site that will give you more pruning information for lilacs.

Good Luck!!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 28, 2018, 4:19 PM EDT
Please review the original question as it pertains to a Lilac Tree. Your response is in regards to a Lilac Bush when you talk about "by cutting them back to about 6 inches above ground".  You can also look at the picture of the tree in my original question.
The Question Asker Replied July 29, 2018, 10:46 PM EDT
Tom: Sorry about the confusion. However my primary suggestion about pruning is still valid.


Good Luck!!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 30, 2018, 12:50 PM EDT

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