
Is my plum tree dying? #470604

Asked July 15, 2018, 3:08 PM EDT

Hi. We have a plum tree in our back yard in St. Paul. The tree was here when we moved in two years ago so unfortunately I don't know exactly what kind of plum it is or how old, but it is clearly a well established tree. For the first two summers we were here, it was very healthy and produced a lot of fruit. Last summer however it got attacked by the japanese beetles and unfortunately we were away for the height of the beetle season so it lost most of its leaves. This spring I pruned it a bit taking off one big branch and a lot of smaller ones but didn't want to be too aggressive given the hard summer it had had (perhaps that was the wrong strategy). But it seemed OK, flowered decently, turned green and started producing fruit, if not quite as many as in past years. However, about two weeks ago (early July) we noticed some wilting leaves and within a short amount of time, all of the leaves on two branches extending from a primary branch turned almost completely brown (see photos). In addition, a few days ago I noticed rust-colored secretions coming from a couple of spots on the trunk and some branches (see photos). The "leaking" seems to be getting worse and it's possible that there is some wilting starting on a new branch. And of course, the japanese beetles are back and while we're doing our best to keep them at bay they have done some damage. Can our tree be saved? I'm happy to share more photos or answer any follow-up questions. Thank you for any help!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Your plum tree is definitely declining rapidly as shown by your photos. It could have Verticillium Wilt. It will cause continued death of the tree. Below is a link with further information regarding this disease. I would recommend you contact a local tree care company and request an arborist come and look at the tree.
Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied July 15, 2018, 10:56 PM EDT

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