
Maple tree losing leaves in summer #467351

Asked July 03, 2018, 9:56 AM EDT

Are you able to tell from the attached pictures of the leaves of a maple tree, what is wrong with the tree? The tree has been losing is leaves for the last month. Thank, Rae Maser, U of DE

New Castle County Delaware

Expert Response


It is difficult to tell from the picture, as it is dark, but there appears to be some leaf spot or scorch. We had several fungal leaf spots active in the spring, but they are usually more circular and eventually get very small dark dots in the tan/brown spots that are spore producing bodies of the fungus. This picture looks more like scorched areas that may be a result of the weather turning hot suddenly. We had rain last night, which should help the tree. Keep an eye on it. Most leaf spots, even if produced by a fungus, will not affect the long term health of the tree.
You didn't mention the age of the tree or what the location is like. Newly planted tree may take a couple of years to become established on site. Older trees may have some weak limbs or squirrels may be active in the area with nest building and they nip of small branches with leaves. Water the tree once a week if there is no rain for 7 days.
Keep an eye on your tree, but hopefully it will be fine.

Thank you for contacting Delaware Cooperative Extension.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 04, 2018, 9:40 AM EDT

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