
Tiny black bugs with wings in my bed and window #467083

Asked July 02, 2018, 12:51 PM EDT

Ok so I was in my bed drawing when I saw two tiny black bugs with wings running about. I killed one but the other got away it is about the size of a pin head, i have 2 animals. Also I live in an apartment,so this might be the previous owners fault I’m freaked out I don’t know if they are fleas. They jump but also have wings

County Illinois

Expert Response

I am unable to tell what this insect it. The pictures are too small. It does not appear to be a flea. It also does not appear to be a bed bug. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about. To find out more, consider contacting your local extension office. Find the closest office at:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 09, 2018, 10:40 PM EDT

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