Something is eating my oriental lily buds! - Ask Extension
Something is destroying the buds on my oriental lilies! 10 days ago I gave them a dose of Bonide systemic and put out slug bait. I was away for a we...
Something is eating my oriental lily buds! #466836
Asked July 01, 2018, 12:38 PM EDT
Something is destroying the buds on my oriental lilies! 10 days ago I gave them a dose of Bonide systemic and put out slug bait. I was away for a week and when I came back found this damage. No damage to the leaves, I don't see any insects on the plants so perhaps it's happening at night. Any idea what type of critter does this or what to look for or how to prevent more damage? Thank you!
Howard County Maryland
Expert Response
Are you missing lots of buds or seeing this damage repeatedly?
Missing buds makes us think of deer.
The damage to the bud shown looks incidental to us. In other words, a type of damage that happened- maybe it was stepped on or the plant run over by a wheelbarrow, basketball? or trashcan- or even by a nibbling something that is long gone. The fact that it runs along the seam makes us think it could be a crush injury.
It looks like the flower will probably mature and open, but will be missing some petals.
Missing buds makes us think of deer.
The damage to the bud shown looks incidental to us. In other words, a type of damage that happened- maybe it was stepped on or the plant run over by a wheelbarrow, basketball? or trashcan- or even by a nibbling something that is long gone. The fact that it runs along the seam makes us think it could be a crush injury.
It looks like the flower will probably mature and open, but will be missing some petals.