
Identify this mite? #466723

Asked June 30, 2018, 5:27 PM EDT

Hello... can anyone help identify this tiny pest taking over our balcony and patio door? They’re now getting through the door cracks and on to the living room wall. They’re tiny, very dark, and started all over our apartment balcony outside. We have plants on our balcony and trees right outside, so birds are also close. We’ve tried Ortho Home Defense with no luck. Pictures taken with magnifying app... they’re so tiny!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

I'm sorry, the image isn't high enough resolution for me to ID the insect for you. If you can get a better image, please feel free to submit it.

You can also try using the insect identification tool on the U of MN Extension site:

I apologize for not being able to be more helpful at this time!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 02, 2018, 7:16 PM EDT

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