
Plum tree #466652

Asked June 30, 2018, 12:59 PM EDT

I have a Duarte purple plum tree that had a few plums last year but none this year. It is about 5 years old. It has some wilty leaves and holes in leaves that I suspect are from some kind of infestation. I attached photos. Is this why it hasn’t borne fruit this year?

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

Fruit tree fruiting problems are numerous, including poor weather or frost during bloom and summer drought stress (flower buds begin to form in August), excessive pruning which removed fruiting growth, excessive tree growth, or even that the tree is just too young.
"Home Orchards: Why is There No Fruit on My Tree?" from Penn State Extension explains more: 
The leaf problems you are seeing may be a concern, though I can't see how many leaves are damaged. Do you see any insects? There are leaf diseases as well. To diagnose the problem, consider contacting the local Master Gardener Volunteers. Seeing the leaves in person will be easier than using photos. Some plant nurseries also have experts available.

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