
Platycodon Flowers Deflated #466337

Asked June 29, 2018, 9:04 AM EDT

Good Morning I've planted four platycodon plants. At first they were blossoming so well but then it seems that they've wilted and I'm not quite sure why. We've had massive amounts of rain so I'm not sure if they're wilting because of not having enough water. Would you be able to give me a few reasons why this would happen? Thanks!

Baltimore City County Maryland

Expert Response

Each flower on the plant doesn't last very long. Snip off (deadhead) the spent bloom, including the swollen base so it doesn't put energy into making seed and will continue flower production- it also makes the plant more attractive.


Will do!

Thank you so much CM!

The Question Asker Replied June 29, 2018, 10:33 AM EDT

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