
How to control Galium aparine "Sticky Willy" weed #464264

Asked June 21, 2018, 2:05 PM EDT

Sticky Willy has taken over the steep hillside behind our home. The hill is normally covered with a tall fescue (I think) but the weed has covered about 20% of the surface area with a dense mat of sticky vines. I first noticed it about 3 years ago and just pulled it, but this year it's a nightmare. Due to the dense mat of vines on top of the grass I was able to use a mist of Round-Up on the top layer of weed. This killed the vine without harming the underlying grass. I then pulled up the dead vines. Unfortunately the weed has already flowered and seeded so I know it will be a problem going forward. 
What can I do to limit its growth in the future. Pre-emergents?  Is 2-4 D effective and safe for the grass? Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response


Yes, you can use any broadleaf weed control products (including 2,4-D) following germination. Since it's in turf, any of the lawn weed control products will work, though some will work better than others. A few resources state that 2,4-D provides fair control. You may try a product with quinclorac, which is available in multi-way products--check the label for the chemicals in the product you wish you use. Another product to consider would be Roundup for Lawns, which contains 2,4-D, sulfentrazone, and quinclorac.

I couldn't find any recommendations for preemergence herbicides that work. The best thing to do is boost your cultural controls and try to get the turf to become more dense with regular watering and fertilization.
Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied June 21, 2018, 7:28 PM EDT

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