
Brown disease ? Fungus on begonia #463987

Asked June 20, 2018, 4:52 PM EDT

I’ve kept the escargot begonia inside a porch until rains have let up, & it’s done fine. Now in the ground 2-3 wks developed brown edges & fungus spots?? Have rx with bonide organic insecticidal spray & Neem spray on surrounded ground. ???? Holes on morning glories, ?? Little weird bug

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

The begonia is having difficulty with how wet the weather has been, which can increase the incidence of leaf spot diseases. Stop spraying. It's not a pest and those products can take out any number of beneficial insects as well.

The insect on the Morning Glory leaf is a young, nymphal stage of a type of good/beneficial predator bug called an Assasin Bug. They help control other pest insects. Here is a page about them: He did not make the hole in the leaf. It's impossible to know who did.

The Phylostica leaf spots on Maple leaves are not uncommon, especially in wet years.


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