
spraying apple trees #462116

Asked June 13, 2018, 5:01 PM EDT

i planted a Honey Crisp apple tree about 6 years ago and it finally produced little apples - I'm thrilled! I also planted a crab apple tree about 25 feet from the honey crisp as recommended. Do I need to spray so I can get apples from both trees? Last year my crab apple tree, for the first time, got some awful big bugs on it that totally destroyed my apples. I did do some reading and they indicated to wrap plastic bags around each apple; I'm willing to do this if I think it will be the cure all. Please let me know asap.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

What you are referring to is called 'bagging' your apples. It is time consuming but well worth it as you need not do anything more until you pick your apples in the fall.
Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied June 13, 2018, 10:50 PM EDT
Barbara,  Thank you for the quick response.  I might be too late as
1) I have some brown spots on the leaves on both trees.  Can you tell me what that might be?
2) The crab apple tree has little brown spots on the apples.  Am I too late to safe any of them?

The Question Asker Replied June 14, 2018, 8:36 PM EDT
The brown spots show that those apple have already been 'stung'...eggs laid. You might as well pick them off now and dispose of them in your garbage to prevent the larvae from maturing into new apple maggot flies. If you find some that are clean, bag them. The spots you refer to on your leaves look like Cedar Apple Rust. Here is information:
Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied June 14, 2018, 11:10 PM EDT

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