
Otto luken mold? #461663

Asked June 12, 2018, 8:38 AM EDT

My Otto Luken's leaves have brown spots which eventually become holes. It looks like a brown mold causes the holes in the leaves. Eventually the whole leaf turns brown. Is there something I can treat my Otto Lukens with to save them? Thank you for your assistance.

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Cherry laurels are susceptible to many leaf spot diseases. One is commonly called "shot hole" because the infected tissue dries up and falls out causing the tiny holes in the leaves.

Wet spring and early summer weather promote this leaf spot. Rake up and dispose of infected leaves that fall off the plants in order to remove infected material. 

Do not prune out branches with dead leaves unless the woody stem is really dead, not just the leaves. Live stems are flexible and bend without breaking. When you scratch the bark you should see green under it. If stems are alive, they should put out some new leaves.

The disease is not serious but causes cosmetic damage. Spraying with a fungicide is not practical as the spraying regimen begins when the new leaves emerge and continues every two weeks or so throughout the summer.


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