
Ash Tree #461533

Asked June 11, 2018, 5:04 PM EDT

The Ash Trees in our neighborhood have green clumps at the end of the branches.  No bore holes are evident.  The clumps weigh down the branches.   My tree is 20 years old and I have never seen this before.  Other ashes in the neighborhood don't seem to have this.  Any thoughts? 

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response

Assuming that there are no insects on the leaves or holes in the bark, these treea may be suffering from misapplied herbicides or fertilizing product. You would benefit from a tree team visit costing $25.00 and calling<personal data hidden>. In the meantime, continue to provide adequate water and monitor during the summer months. Emerald Ash Borer has not been identified in Larimer County yet, but it will arrive.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 12, 2018, 10:14 AM EDT

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