
tomato skins #459529

Asked June 04, 2018, 3:32 PM EDT

When making tomato sauce can I not peel tomatoes, cook, put through the food mill or blender. Reheat to boil then make into sauce. Then hot pack waterbath sauce. The new update said no peels on tomato, is this is true?

Josephine County Oregon

Expert Response

I apologize for not being quite clear about that recommendation in the update.

Tomatoes for sauce and juice do not need to be peeled before cooking, since the instructions say to run them through a food mill after cooking to remove the peel and seeds from the pulp at that point, rather than before cooking.

USDA/Extension has no instructions that we know have been tested for tomatoes blended with the peels on. We are not certain if the presence of tomato peels, even if blended, will change the pH and pathogen load enough to make the recommended acidification inadequate.  Because we are not certain, we must recommend against blending whole tomatoes (peels, seeds and all) for canning.  


Tomatoes canned crushed, whole, halves or quarters, should be peeled prior to packing in the jars.


I hope this helps clarify that recommendation. 






Jeanne Brandt Replied June 06, 2018, 3:53 PM EDT

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