
Apple Tree branches are dying #459491

Asked June 04, 2018, 2:26 PM EDT

Branches in my apple tree are dying at different areas of the tree. Please see attached pictures. What could be causing this and what measures should I take to prevent it?

Carroll County Maryland

Expert Response

It looks like your tree has symptoms of fire blight, a bacterial disease. Our wet weather this spring has been very favorable for this disease to develop.
See our website for photos, information, and management options. 
Infected branches should be pruned 8-12 inches below any visible symptoms. Don’t prune infected shoots back to a healthy branch. Leave a 4-5 inch stub that can be pruned off over the winter when the disease is dormant.


Thank you for the response. I appreciate it and will follow the recommended pruning approach.
The Question Asker Replied June 05, 2018, 1:02 PM EDT

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