
Blue Spruce not looking good. #458763

Asked June 01, 2018, 3:01 PM EDT

Hello - We have a blue spruce that was planted in our yard about 10 years ago. In the last couple of week it's branches have started to turn brown. Our tree service gentleman was here to day. He found to bugs, etc. He said he believes it's not getting enough water due to "root rot." He suggested we send pictures to you for comments and suggestions. Two pictures are attached. Thank you. David Crawford I am uncertain if the pictures uploaded. I hit the browse button and selected them, but I do not see a button that says "upload."

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

The symptoms on your blue spruce could also be a needle disease. It is hard to tell for sure from photos. Blue spruce is quite susceptible to a couple of common needle cast diseases. When did you first notice the needles looking off color and dropping off?
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 04, 2018, 9:10 PM EDT
Thank you. I first noticed the needles looking off color about 2-3 weeks ago. Today I learned a another tree service person looked at our tree last week. He believes it's a problem with the roots when the tree was planted. He particularly pointed out a root that appears to be wrapped close to the trunk. I took a picture of that and it is attached below. When this tree was planted about 10 years ago, I (uneducated) observation was that the hole was neither wide enough nor deep enough and many of the roots appeared to be wrapped around too close to the trunk. When I pointed this out to the company that planted the tree, they responded it was "OK." I have attached a picture of the roots around the trunk. Thank you for your assistance.
The Question Asker Replied June 04, 2018, 10:03 PM EDT
Root deformities and constricted area for root development can certainly cause tree health problems.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 05, 2018, 1:22 AM EDT

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