
Cherry Tree inquiry #456907

Asked May 25, 2018, 2:00 PM EDT

Hello, I have a cherry tree that is experiencing some bacteria growth. Not sure how to cure it, there are visible growth of mold/bacteria on several branches. In addition, most of the cherries that are growing out are now rotted. Many leaves are now yellow or with brownish spots throughout. Planning to use copper fungicide to help cure it, please let me know if thats a good option. Thanks!

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

The growths on the branches are lichen, which grow naturally on shaded trunks and branches. This is not cause for alarm.

The leaf spots may be caused by cercospora leaf spot, a common fungal disease. Fungicide sprays may help because spores from the early spring infection can produce secondary cycles of infection. Removing and discarding all dead, severely diseased, and fallen leaves will help reduce the problem next year.

The rotting cherries in your photo are infected with brown rot. Sprays to control this disease should have been applied at bloom. Remove and discard as many infected fruit as possible.
VA Tech spray schedule for home orchards.
HGIC web information on stone fruits.

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