
Cherry tree trouble #455145

Asked May 19, 2018, 9:13 AM EDT

I have a row of well established flowering cherry trees that have been doing well but today we noticed branches that have no green leaves on them. When I looked closer I saw clusters of all size brown sac like fungus on all of the dead tree branches. 5 of the tree have them at this point. I do not have a green thumb but love my trees and really do not want them to die! Any help is appreciated! Thanks so much

Carroll County Maryland

Expert Response

This is a type of jelly fungus. It is a fungus that is found on decaying trees, not healthy ones. It is a sign that you have dead wood in the trees. Given that you have such a beautiful line of these mature flowering cherry trees along your driveway, we recommend that you contact a certified arborist to evaluate the trees and professional prune out the decaying wood. You can find an arborist near you using the following website of the arborist association.


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