
Dappled Willow's new growth is turning brown #453294

Asked May 11, 2018, 8:55 AM EDT

My Dappled Willow has been planted for 2 years.  It has grown tremendously.  It is planted in a wetter area, as it said that it tolerates wet areas.  This year's new growth (about 12 inches) is wilting.  My plan is just to cut it back, but I wonder if there is anything else I should do?

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Pruning will not cure it.  Look along the trunk and the base of the trunk for wounds or cankers, (sunken, dead  wood).

Send us photos of the whole tree, along the base, and affected branches so we can see what you may be dealing with.

I don't see any damage to the base of it at all.  
The Question Asker Replied May 14, 2018, 11:59 AM EDT
We cannot say for sure what is going on.  It is possible it may be weather related and do not think it is a disease or insect.  Just leave it and observe throughout the season for additional symptoms.   Make sure the mulch is no thicker than several inches and keep away from the base of the trunk.


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