Identifing Variety of Arborvitea #452622
Asked May 08, 2018, 5:33 PM EDT
New Castle County Delaware
Expert Response
Hi! Thank you for your question. The photos look like arborvitae. I can’t tell you that they are the variety “Nigra” I have included several fact sheets that will help with care of the trees, transplant shock and watering of trees after planting. The plants may be showing some transplant shock – it takes at least a year for trees to establish themselves in the landscape. You are probably over watering them if you are applying water every other day. Watering tips are also included. You should monitor how dry the soil is and water once a week.
Arborvitae - ;
Transplant Shock -
Trees for Delaware – watering advice -
Advice for watering during drought -
General Tree Care -
I hope this is helpful. If you need further assistance – feel free to contact the Garden Helpline at the New Castle County Extension office at<personal data hidden>.
Best regards,