
Holly trees losing leaves #452191

Asked May 07, 2018, 10:38 AM EDT

We have several 30 year old holly trees whose leaves first turned yellow and now are falling off. Some of the trees have almost no leaves left. This has happened over the last month. The trunks look healthy. Pls let us know what is going on and what we can do for them.

County District of Columbia

Expert Response

Do you see tiny new leaves growing on the branch tips?
If so, you are likely just seeing the natural leaf shed for hollies. Each spring the older leaves yellow and drop, but usually only about a third of them.

Other things that can cause yellow leaves and decline are poor drainage or a high soil pH. Poor drainage can suffocate the roots. Hollies like well-drained, moist soil containing organic matter (compost). They like a cool root-run, so perhaps 2" of mulch.

Hollies require acidic soil. If the PH is high, this causes iron chlorosis---the plant is unable to take up iron from the soil. If you are not seeing new growth beginning to flush out, you may want to have a professional soil test done
Here is our soil testing page which has all the specifics, including a list of regional labs who can complete the analysis for you:


Thank you so much for your quick response.  Susan
The Question Asker Replied May 07, 2018, 8:48 PM EDT
You're welcome. Let us know if you have any additional questions. 

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