
Is this a Burning Bush? Diseased? #451353

Asked May 03, 2018, 10:07 AM EDT

Hello, I moved into a new home last spring, and trying to identify a shrub that appears to be diseased. When cutting back dead branches, I noticed inner black spots running through the branch. The shrub bloomed red leaves in the fall, but half of the shrub did not. I'm leaning towards removing and replacing with a new plant. Any suggestions? Thank you, Tyler

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

The staining is a strong sign of disease. The bush is very scraggly compared to others it’s age. The weed barrier underneath and the previous owners poor pruning may have contributed to the decline. It can be cut off at the base and if the staining of the heart wood is not at the base it could be started over. If you buy a new shrub I would learn study the location before buying and choose something compatible. Does water pond in the location? Does it turn into a bake oven? Supplemental water maybe necessary.

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