
Rose virus #451302

Asked May 02, 2018, 11:05 PM EDT

I would like to buy a couple hybrid roses this summer. Fearful that the new rose might have the virus..can you make suggestions where to purchase to avoid the virus? Is barefoot safer and a better bet? Thanks, Nancy Alfton

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for contacting AaE for help.

I think you're referring to Rose Mosaic Virus (RMV) which is a devastating disease affecting roses, apples and plums.  Most growers are taking care not to propagate infected roses because it is spread primarily through propagation of plant parts.  I would buy from a reputable nursery that guarantees their plants. 

We are Minnesota master gardeners associated with the U of MN Extension and cannot recommend products or services.  Having said that, there are some things you should know that will help you select healthy plants.  First, RMV is most visible on the leaves of the plants in the spring and fall if the weather is cool.  I've included a some pictures of what to avoid when selecting plants. These are provided by Michelle Grabowski and David Zlesak of U of MN Extension.

Finally, if your plants should exhibit RMV later, dig them up and return them for a refund.  Even pruning out the parts exhibiting symptoms will not cure it because the disease is systemic. The plant should be destroyed so as not to infect other plants. 

I hope this helps.
eGardener Replied May 03, 2018, 12:02 PM EDT

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