
Can you identify this weed? #450751

Asked April 30, 2018, 7:32 PM EDT

This spreads just barely under the surface by the root -- It grows to at least 3' tall and in the fall produces small white flowers the resemble baby's breath. One photo shows as they are today - the second one shows the 'sticks' left from last year next to this year's new batch. Thank you so much for your help.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

This looks like a plant in the aster family, and possibly one in the genus Symphyotrichum. We would have to see it in flower in order to identify it. You can see photos of the various asters at the Maryland Biodiversity Project website. If you recall how the flowers looked, you might be able to identify it with this site, or we'd be happy to take a look at photos when it's in bloom again later this year.


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