How can I stop woodpeckers from damaging my cedar siding? - Ask Extension
I live on Furrow Avenue, and have cedar siding. Over the past year or so, a Downy woodpecker has been drilling multiple holes in my house, predominan...
How can I stop woodpeckers from damaging my cedar siding? #447083
Asked April 10, 2018, 11:53 AM EDT
I live on Furrow Avenue, and have cedar siding. Over the past year or so, a Downy woodpecker has been drilling multiple holes in my house, predominantly on the north side. It has gotten much worse in the last month. What can I do to either deter the woodpecker from attacking the house, or safely trap the woodpecker for relocation?
Howard County Maryland
Expert Response
There may be several options to discourage woodpeckers but there are no easy answers when it comes to preventing wildlife damage. Woodpeckers are protected. See the links below for more information on woodpeckers
We do recommend that you contact the Nuisance Wildlife Information Line. They offer the best ways to deal with nuisance wildlife at <personal data hidden>.
We do recommend that you contact the Nuisance Wildlife Information Line. They offer the best ways to deal with nuisance wildlife at <personal data hidden>.
Thank you for your response and these details. I'll try a couple of the suggestions and see if they work