Rhododendron damage showing after this past winter - Ask Extension
Our rhododendrons over the winter seem to have gotten very sick. Many of the leaves came up burnt on the ends and many many others started developing ...
Rhododendron damage showing after this past winter #446889
Asked April 09, 2018, 9:31 AM EDT
Our rhododendrons over the winter seem to have gotten very sick. Many of the leaves came up burnt on the ends and many many others started developing brownish spots. I've attached 2 photographs showing the leaf damage. Can you please tell me what the problem might be and how to react to or manage the cause of the damage?
Frederick County Maryland
Expert Response
The leaf in the photo shows old leaf spots. This will not kill the plant and is not too concerning. The old leaves will drop. Monitor for new growth in the spring. Proper plant spacing allows for good air circulation and remove any old fallen leaves from around the base of the plants.