
can holly tree roots damage my house foundation #446404

Asked April 05, 2018, 4:17 PM EDT

We have 5 holly trees ( see pictures below) at least 30yr old planted 3-4 ft from the side of our house for privacy; our longtime insurance company has stated they are not happy with these as they believe the roots may damage the house; we live in Bethesda and our house was built sometime in the 1950s; we are careful to trim and maintain the large trees (oak etc) which are on our block but had not considered the hollies to be any sort of hazard is this likely to be possible? many thanks 

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Holly roots are not known to be aggressive but the trees are very close to your house.  Any tree will exploit an existing crack in the foundation.  Also, trees should not be planted too  close to the foundation since the expanding root ball could damage the foundation.

many thanks
The Question Asker Replied April 06, 2018, 12:31 PM EDT

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