Are any kind of berry bushes susceptible to fireblight?? - Ask Extension
I have lost 3 apple trees, peach trees, nectarine trees & some other fruit trees to fireblight. There is an apple tree next door that is totally...
Are any kind of berry bushes susceptible to fireblight?? #441889
Asked February 28, 2018, 12:10 AM EST
I have lost 3 apple trees, peach trees, nectarine trees & some other fruit trees to fireblight. There is an apple tree next door that is totally infected with fireblight & I am afraid the leaves & bugs brought it to us. I do have 6 blue berry bushes that seem to be doing ok. I have given up on fruit trees but would like to grow more & different kinds of berries if I don't have to worry about the fireblight. Any & all suggestions for berry bushes would be appreciated.
El Paso County Colorado
Expert Response
Thank you for your question. The link immediately below provides information on native berry shrubs. I looked for details on the individual shrubs listed in the link information and found only three that did not specifically list Fire Blight as an issue - Golden Current, Wax Current and Snowberry.
I am also including a link that discusses management of Fire Blight. Perhaps you might wish to try disease-resistant fruit trees??
I am also including a link that discusses management of Fire Blight. Perhaps you might wish to try disease-resistant fruit trees??